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3 Ways To Overcome The Fear Of Starting Over

Starting over. It was July 25, 2018, and I wrote “I feel like I’m in such a crucial and fertile season in my life right now. Like I’ll look back in 10 or 20 years and say this was a turning point.”

It was crucial and there was purpose but it had been a challenging year filled with lots of career and life transition. At times I felt like my entire world had been flipped upside down and in many ways, it had.

Maybe you can relate to starting over after the loss of a loved one, a move, or a career transition? Or maybe you’re like me where it all seemed to be happening at once.

Seeking clarity, I knelt down and I asked God, why? Why did I have to start over?

After all, change and starting over can be one of the scariest things to do full of unknowns and void of familiarity. Fear of leaving what you know and starting fresh with something new can be daunting leaving us feeling lost, bewildered, fearful, and even forgotten.

Along the way there were many sleepless night, tearful days, and moments where I felt I had much more fear than faith but every single time I handed God my “mustard seed” he moved mountains in awe inspiring ways!

Often times as we are struggling God is calling us to something new. He specializes in new beginnings and writing new chapters in our lives.

So maybe you too are in a season of starting over? Well, you are in great company. Abraham, started over. Moses, started over. David, started over. Ruth, started over. Adam and Eve - started over.

Starting over brought clarity and revealed the character of God in ways I could have never imagined. So here are 3 tips on how to let go of fear when starting over and embrace the new season God is ushering you into:

Be obedient

God is very well versed in fresh starts. He is the creator of the seasons in nature and author of the seasons of our lives. So why is change, transition, and starting over so hard?

One reason could be because it requires obedience.

Obedience to God means we may not always have clarity on what God is doing immediately even as we are walking with him (ask Abraham). Obey anyway.

When we feel led to take steps when we don’t see the full staircase, wait when it seems urgent to move, and move when it seems paramount to stay, we have to choose to obey God’s will above your own.

Obedience isn't always comfortable but it’s a necessary discipline that helps us grow our faith, detach from idols, and restore God’s will to center stage in our lives.

Be Dependent

Starting over also requires dependence. When we are weathering changes and transitions it isn’t meant to be a solo mission. We need God’s guidance and wisdom.

Sometimes this means we may have to wait on God for guidance (ask Moses). Submit your plans to God, asking him for his input often. Before making decisions (big or small) bring them to God FIRST.

Whether in career or everyday life he always has greater for us but never intended for us to do it on our own - he wants a relationship.

Pray and be renewed

Starting over can be a life changing blessing but we don’t always see it that way. One of the best ways to strengthen our obedience and dependence on God is through prayer. God never wastes an experience and makes all things work together for the good of those who love him (Romans 8:28). However, sometimes we need a little help seeing things clearly in the midst of our transitions – not with our eyes but with our faith.

It is our job as believers to pray for clarity and renewed minds. With that comes renewed outlooks that can see changes, experiences, transitions, and starting over from a place of faith and not fear. It gives us the flexibility to move through season changes from a place of expectation and not anxiety. To look at our current situation from a place of abundance and not lack because what God takes he is more than able to restore or replace.

I am sure throughout life there will be more seasons where I will find myself starting over, refreshing, renovating from the inside out and putting up “closed for spiritual maintenance” signs when needed.

These experiences teach me to never be afraid of starting over, and to embrace it because with God I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

Maybe it’s your season to start over too? Maybe until now you’ve been afraid?

Know that starting over gives us a unique opportunity to build up our history with God, enrich our walk, add chapters to our story, and ultimately give him the glory for it all.

If you’re ready to start over and could use some help gaining clarity, confidence, and courage for that journey from a coach who has been where you are click here to learn more about how PorchLight Coaching can help!

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